Abril 26, 2019
Olá pessoas, o blog está a crescer e novas rubricas vão nascendo. Hoje nasce o “N90VENTA” que vai permitir viajar pelos anos 90, o ano em que eu decidi ver a luz do sol fora do casulo (saudades desses tempos).
Hello people, the blog is growing and new items are being born. Today is born the "N90VENTA" that will allow travel through the 90's, the year I decided to see the sunlight outside the cocoon (miss those times).
It was good times, we were still too innocent to talk in a general way, technology was taking the first steps towards what we are today. Much has changed, many moments we will remember in this new blog space.
Without further delays we will then remember a treasure that was on the air in Television more precisely in the television station "SIC" (doing publicity) between 1996 until 1999, that was "Jasmine and the Dream of the Cinema".
Jasmine, before going on television was a musical of Filipe La Feria, with his great success was eventually adapted to the "small screen."
Too bad I did not see the musical. It was other times. Sergio Moreno, so called the actor who gave life to Jasmine, a boy (at the time) full of talent and fantastic musicality.
In addition to Sérgio, the series was completed with Rodrigo Saraiva, Jorge Magalhães, Ana Rita Inácio, Nuno Lago, André Maia, Sandra de Castro, Helena Montez, Brígida Neves, Elizete Teixeira, Pedro Pernas and Anabela.
The Jasmine series was a true tale of the most varied stories that came to life in the world of Jasmine, jumping from the movie screen to the real world, a real magic.
And that's how we remember "Jasmine and the Dream of the Cinema", who remembers to see the incredible stories of this series?